— The Planet’s Leading Decarbonization Platform

Introducing the
Decarbonization Intelligence (DI) Portal

Achieve complete visibility into your company's progress, governance, and planning with totally custom visualizations

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Custom Visualizations
Automated Data Flows
Stakeholder Transparency

Automated visualizations

Define carbon costs and your organizations internal carbon price based on precise data analysis

Align business strategy with transparent and segmented GHG targets built around your emission pathways

Custom graphs & charts

Custom-built governance dashboards help companies understand where team resources are being allocated and save time being spent on GHG initiatives

Create custom reporting dashboards for frameworks such as CDP, TCFD, & SEC based your organization's emissions profile

Complete visibility

Provide decision-makers with a single source of truth for both financial and environmental data to make confident decisions and build cost-effective roadmaps

Use sophisticated scope 3 accounting tools to grasp your value chain emission’s data

Trusted by:

Carlos Almiro de Magalhães Melo
Head of Corporate Sustainability
BRK started using SINAI at an important stage in our Climate Change Strategy. In only two months, we were able to engage several teams on the climate change agenda. SINAI presents carbon pricing in a simple and objective way and this was key to engage the board.
See the case study
Carlos Almiro de Magalhães Melo
Head of Corporate Sustainability
BRK started using SINAI at an important stage in our Climate Change Strategy. In only two months, we were able to engage several teams on the climate change agenda. SINAI presents carbon pricing in a simple and objective way and this was key to engage the board.
See the case study