PennEngineering is a technology and manufacturing firm that has been providing fastening solutions for compact electronics, automotive electronics, data, telecom and more since 1942. The PennEngineering portfolio includes PEM®, PROFIL®, HEYCO® PennAuto® and other leading brands. At PennEngineering, an important area of focus is environmental responsibility. PennEngineering aims to promote carbon neutral practices by employing energy efficiency and improvement initiatives, reducing Scope 2 emissions through renewable power opportunities, and better waste management and water consumption practices.
Aligned with the recent shift towards sustainable products and value chain decarbonization across the globe, PennEngineering has begun to receive requests from their customers to share their scope 1 and scope2 emissions to aid in value chain emissions tracking and enable decarbonization.
To respond to these customer requests and position the company as a leader in sustainability, PennEngineering elected to adopt a corporate-wide process to collect and calculate scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions across all manufacturing and technical facilities in the United States, Europe, and Asia.
A major challenge with this commitment is that the vast majority of PennEngineering’s global manufacturing facilities had never calculated or tracked GHG emissions. To ensure appropriate carbon accounting methodologies aligned with global standards were employed, PennEngineering reached out to SINAI to guide the company through the process of developing an inventory, in a fashion that could be repeatable annually for the business
Com a liderança dos Especialistas em Sucesso do Cliente e Mudanças Climáticas do SINAI, foram desenvolvidos modelos personalizados de coleta de dados para a PennEngineering para coletar dados de atividades de escopo 1 e escopo 2 das operações globais. Para garantir que todos os dados de atividade necessários fossem registrados, o SINAI trabalhou com a PennEngineering para obter uma compreensão profunda de suas instalações técnicas e de fabricação e estabelecer os limites das emissões da empresa. Ao garantir que as solicitações de dados relevantes fossem feitas às operações do cliente, todos os dados de escopo 1 e escopo 2 foram identificados, coletados e inseridos no sistema do SINAI em apenas seis semanas.
As PennEngineering was starting from a blank slate, SINAI led the client through GHG Protocol calculation methodologies, the appropriate global standards for GHG calculations, and demonstrated how the collected activity data was going to be used in the SINAI system to calculate the companies emissions.
With all required calculation methodologies embedded in SINAI’s software, once activity data was inputted, scope 1 and scope 2 GHG calculations were automated and GHG results were instantly able to be viewed by PennEngineering’s team. All methodologies and calculations were set up in a manner so that emissions calculations could be repeated in the future as new activity data was gathered.
Com o uso das tecnologias do SINAI, a PennEngineering passou de um inventário sem GHG para um inventário completo, repetível e auditável de GHG de escopo 1 e escopo 2 em todas as operações em apenas seis semanas. O rápido tempo de resposta que o SINAI conseguiu fornecer à PennEngineering permitiu que a empresa respondesse prontamente às solicitações de seus clientes com confiança nos dados que estava divulgando. Além disso, a maneira como os cálculos de GHG da empresa foram configurados no SINAI agora permite que a PennEngineering calcule e monitore continuamente suas emissões de carbono nos próximos anos. No futuro, o cliente espera trabalhar com o SINAI para criar seu primeiro inventário de GHG de escopo 3.