Estudos de caso

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The Adam Hall Group

O desafio

O Adam Hall Group é um fabricante e distribuidor global com soluções abrangentes para todo o setor de tecnologia de eventos. Os produtos do portfólio do Adam Hall Group incluem caixas de transporte, tecnologia de reforço de áudio e som, bem como soluções profissionais de iluminação LED. O Adam Hall Group quer promover o tema da sustentabilidade no setor de eventos e ser um exemplo de como é possível tornar os negócios sustentáveis a longo prazo.

Para diferenciar o Adam Hall Group no setor, a empresa procurou o SINAI para desenvolver seu primeiro inventário de GHG de escopo 1, 2 e 3 em suas operações globais. O SINAI colaborou com o Adam Hall Group para identificar as fontes de emissão apropriadas a serem incluídas no inventário e definir um plano contínuo para continuar a melhorar a precisão dos cálculos do escopo 3. Com uma pequena equipe interna de sustentabilidade, o SINAI forneceu todos os resultados em uma solução automatizada e baseada na nuvem para tornar os recursos de gerenciamento de GHG repetíveis, transparentes e eficientes.

Abordagem do SINAI



Fornecimento de um inventário de GHG de escopo 1, 2 e 3 pela primeira vez

Adam Hall worked with SINAI’s customer success and climate change experts to collect all the required data to develop a first-time GHG inventory. Throughout this process, SINAI identified Adam Hall’s determined boundary conditions, methodology, and emissions factors for the calculations, as well as identified relevant data sources and collection processes for the organization to adopt.

The biggest challenge throughout the inventory development process was collecting data for Adam Hall’s first-time scope 3 inventory. When considering all emissions scopes, scope 3 emissions make up more than 80% of Adam Hall’s emissions, which, according to SBTi, if scope 3 emissions are greater than 40% of total emissions, scope 3 emissions are deemed significant.

To support Adam Hall, SINAI performed a Materiality and Relevance assessment for each scope 3 categories to prioritize the data collection for categories that were expected to have the highest emissions. With a plan and guidance from SINAI, Adam Hall then worked with their finance, procurement, and sales divisions to collect the activity data for the calculations.

At the end of this exercise, Adam Hall had a clear plan of the data that needed to be collected, and the data sources that could be applied to complete the emissions calculations for all categories.



Aprimoramento dos cálculos do escopo 3

Due to type of data that was readily available, most scope 3 calculations were carried out using spend-based approaches. Because of Adam Hall’s commitment to sustainability, transitioning to more accurate scope 3 emissions calculations is a near term sustainability priority.

To support Adam Hall in their journey, SINAI developed a scope 3 improvement plan to transition spend-based methodologies to average-data calculations, particularly in the categories that had a large impact on the scope 3 inventory. Over the next year the main goal of Adam Hall will be establishing new collection methods to obtain the data needed to transition to average-data calculations. This will set up Adam Hall to eventually begin to engage with suppliers and support decarbonization within their value chain.

The Adam Hall Group


Integração do software de sustentabilidade às operações da empresa

Since this was Adam Hall’s first time performing any sort of GHG inventory calculations, developing these processes in software was critical to provide automatic calculations and reports and reduce the time required from Adam Halls sustainability team.

By having all calculations completed in software, efficiency is obtained as the team repeats the emissions calculations on an annual basis.

This was particularly important for Adam Hall to establish a reputable process prior to German requirements to report emissions in 2025.

With SINAI, Adam Hall has completed their first scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions inventory in a manageable and automated carbon accounting system. In the future Adam Hall is looking forward to working with SINAI to improve calculation methodologies, and their decarbonization journey doesn’t stop there.

Looking forward, Adam Hall is partnering with SINAI to identify emission reduction opportunities they can deploy within their operations to reduce their emissions and contribute to a green future in the events industry.

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